
greedy me

sayang,i am greedy.i want to conquer everything that you give.i need to be the one who feel all those love and touch and feelings that you spread.i hate sharing it with other person even i know,i don't have any right to own every single thing yet. but still,i want to be the only one. i want to be the only person you think about before you go to sleep.i want to be the only person that cross your mind when ever you feel scare or insecure. i want to be the only shoulder for you to cry on.i want to be the only hand for you to hold.i want to be the only heart for you to carry.i want to be the only girl you would think about when you wanna get married.i wanna be the person who going to wear your class ring.i want to be a mother to your child.i want to be the only one.


kami bergaduh.pasal apa? haha dia im dengan ex dia.okay bodoh kan aku? okay okay aku big deal pun sebenarnya.tapi aku ni,alahai aku ni masalah nya jealous tu tempat tak berapa nak tu takda apa pun.tapi dia kata im tu bulan ye dia kata bulan 10.tapi aku check banyak kali kot, 10 dec.baru sangat lagi.selalu dia ada btau kalau dia ada im dengan ex dia tu.tapi kali ni tak.alah bodoh nya aku ni.tu aku tak terasa mana pun.tapi tadi dalam kereta,aku saja perli 'dekat message i takda pun i im dgn ex i kan?' aku saja je.sikit takda niat nak gaduh.niat asal nak bergurau and make fun.tapi dia buat muka then macam marah.alamak kat situ aku macam errr.aku terus takda mood nak cakap dengan dia.hmm aku ingat dia faham aku macam mana.tapi seems like dia tak dapat nak catch up lagi perangai aku.take time kot.takpa lah aku tunggu sampai dia betul betul boleh aku biar kan dia sampai midnight.balik pun dia tak contact aku.takpa lah maybe dia tidur.alahai sebenarnya aku sendiri yang tak tentu arah.hah cari pasal kan aku ni? so nak menyedapkan hati,aku baca balik blog post dia yang lama lama.dari first kitorang couple sampai sekarang.frankly speak,i was touched with his post.i do realize how big the love is.and i do realize how precious our time together.aku taknak waste semua yang dah ada.

2.05 am

hello.lama dah rasa nya tak update blog ni.okay memang lama.tapi aku tak sangka yang actually blog ni ada reader.sebab aku buat blog ni untuk diri sendiri dengan dia who ever yang baca blog ni aku describe dia as stalker :)
cuti sem sekarang ni.banyak benda nak cerita.okay first come first okay? :)


dear hazwan,

hmm lepas semua yang dah jadi,i harap things will be a lot more better than before.learn from the mistake sayang.jangan ulang lagi okay? i sayang you.bila i cakap i rindu you,bukan bermaksud you perlu ada dekat situ.i nak you tau apa yang i rasa time tu.i nak you tau apa dia long distance tu boleh nampak,even jauh pun kita manage to stay 3 bulan sama sama kan? you said you taknak 3 bulan,you nak forever kan? so kena kuat.jangan fikir pasal i hurt ke apa.if betul i am hurting,i akan btau you straight away.just ingat apa yang kita selalu cerita,selalu janji and selalu ulang to each other.things will be better.sedih tengok you menangis that day.jangan macam tu lagi okay? your tears never gonna fall because of me.i sayanggg youu.and,i will keep this blog updated to let you know that i am missing you and how much i sayang you luke holland saya ni :D

ohh btw,ni lagu broadway kata lagu ni macam cerita kita :)

with your voice on the phone,i dont feel so alone.i feel you next to me,breathing in your sleep :)

i love you so much till my heart stop beating.