
kecek ganu 0.0

aku rasa isolated gila dekat sini.lagi lagi bila semua comes out with real thick terengganu or kelantanese accent.lagi aku rasa tak boleh bla.last weekend,aku balik rumah paksu which is at terengganu.i was so happy because i can sleep and watch tv and i dont have to face with anoyying blockmate that sing like fuck all day sampai sampai je,maksu didnt tell me about they are having a kenduri berbuka puasa dekat,i was like.okayyy here goes.i was standing in front of the kuali,expecting to get some lauk for berbuka.then theres one makcik came to me,and said 'makang belaka ah.tok mboh bua.nok sata ambek de rumoh.samba belacang pedah uh' i was like, what?? tak faham.then senyum je lah buat buat paham. then makcik tu teruskan conversation tang dah macam ayam dengan itik.lain dia tanya lain aku jawap.lama lama baru dia realize yang actually aku tak paham sepatah haram pun apa yang dia kata.then dia tanya aku 'pecoh doh pinggang hok buak uh?' i was like, whatt? pinggang pecah? =.= okay i cant stand it anymore so i keep with my silence.then aku cerita dekat maksu and paksu,paksu gelak gila.and they said,wait until a few month.and i will get use with the accent :)

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