
being in love or being in crush?

okay this one thing,without realizing it,we are definitely in this particular situation.prove?okay here we go.

have you ever been in this kind of situation?
you found a guy on facebook/twitter/myspace/skype/ym.you have been chatting for about 6 hours non-stop.he told you that you are beautiful/cute.he is practically single and of course you are single.you both are planning to go for a movie together.and he give you a bunch of hint that he is soo into you.and you give him too.you give him your phone number then you continue with sms all day long.when the nights come,hell yeah its time for super savers and you talk for hours and you cant stop smiling until you cramped your jaw down.a couple of days later,you  are going out with him and had a blast together.you think that he is the right guy and you cant stop thinking and mesmerizing about how wonderful he is.by the next day,he is asking for another level of relationship.you are so dropdeadhappy and of course,its a yes.buttt,after a couple of month together,you can say that you are bored with him and you both had less communication together.why?it is because you know that he wont listen and you are having the other side of life that goes non of his business.so,you decide to end it up but by the time you are breaking up,non of a single tear comes out from your eyes --'

dudeeeee,that is not LOVE.that is CRUSH.maybe you are confuse between being in love and being in crush because he is soo amazing and you cant simply let him go.but let see,love and crush is both different.love wont happen in just a few days but crush will always do.love will always put you first on top but crush wont get you anyway.

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