

well hello there.lama dah tak update blog ni.lama sangat dah.harap harap baby blog ni tak merajuk hihi :p okay dari mana nak start cerita ni? banyak benda nak cerita but since last week was the most miserable week ever sebab final exam,so niat tu postpone kejap.and now here i am,semester break :)

now imma blackberry user.but using blackberry without his name on my bbm contact list is lifeless! so it doesnt matter sangat.i still need to top up my credit to text with him :) oh well, here is my bbpin 2627B55B

when i was still in the mood of exam that day,okay seriously i cant stop myself from missing him too much.and i found it kinda hurting myself each time i saw my bestfriend snuggle up with her i wish he was there with i cried myself to sleep every night.its just,its a good thing when i found myself missing him that much.because it shows how much he meant to me without trying.from that moment,i know that my feeling is always real and never was an imagination.

we talked and talked and talked and share a lot if thing together.everything seems to be so perfect and how i wished those moment will never ended.oh and i watched a pre-wedding asked him if we could make a video for our pre-wedding.and he said he would love to :) we managed to spend the whole night talking about our wedding.what color to wear,themes,gift,kids,flowers,pelamin and so on.we really have a good time together.and that conversation hold on our love even stronger than ever.

thats what happened back then :)

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